Thought of the dayThougth for soul
[md_text md_text_title1=”pixflow_base64IA==” md_text_title_separator=”no”]Thought of the day:

‘Fear the Lord, you saints, for those who fear him lack nothing.’ Psalm 34: 9

Although at first sight it sounds harsh and maybe dictatorial, carefully analyzed in all its details, this phrase reveals not only its extraordinary beauty but also the wonderful perspective it addresses to people.

The concept of ‘fear’ that we encounter above is translated from the Hebrew ‘yaw-ray’ which in the current context means in a more precise translation ‘respect’ or ‘reverence’.

Compared to fear, a feeling inspired by coercion and the ruthless perspective of punishment, ‘reverence’ is generated by understanding and accepting the standards of kindness to the one to whom we have decided to direct our ‘respect’ or admiration.

Viewed through this new perspective, the quoted text acquires extraordinary connotations, revealing to us the principle and force that underlies authentic Christianity and which is practiced by true saints. He is propelled by ‘respect’ for a God full of Goodness, a heavenly King who did not hesitate to sacrifice Himself for His elect.

Finding today this beautiful mystery emanating from the wisdom of the Godhead and transmitted over the centuries to strengthen both our soul and mind, dare to approach your Creator, trying to seek Him and understand Him as He is in His entirety. : gentle and full of kindness.

At the same time, develop a friendly relationship with Him, because by choosing to sit next to God, you will not lack anything.

Dare to believe! There is God and He is waiting for you with open arms.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie[/md_text]

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