Thought of the dayThougth for soul
[md_text md_text_title1=”” md_text_title_separator=”no”]Thought of the day:

‘The righteousness of the upright shall rule over them without fear, but the cunning of the wicked shall perish. Proverbs 11: 3

One of the most feared mechanisms responsible for kneeling and corrupting the original Adam, when his nobility and divine brilliance was stolen, was ‘infiltrating’ his righteous mentality, the practice of compromise, and spiritual duplicitism.

Thus tasting only a drop of the ether of evil, the man sank deep under the thick and suffocating mist of sin, in which the evil entourage pushed him away from the light of life, to then suck every drop of hope like a greedy leech.

‘Yet,’ the great prophet Isaiah wrote in the letter of the law, ‘darkness shall not reign over the land in which the trouble is now.’ Yes, even in these troubled times of a world crushed by corruption, in which the manifestation and proclamation of wickedness is taught at the art level from an early age, God continues to convey his message clearly and concisely, emphasizing that happiness is gained. Only by doing good and living in the company of righteous people.

In fact, carefully analyzed, the iniquity and cunning hidden in the ‘trick’ of a dozen, will finally betray its true essence, showing us that they are just ‘beautiful packaging’ of obscure entourage, but without any valuable content; Attractions that will sooner or later drown us in the dark.

Following the same path of understanding, the wise King Solomon wrote almost 3,000 years ago perhaps the most beautiful lesson in life; Advice that still resonates over time, and that followed carefully will bring us back to the standard and brilliance characteristic of God’s children, to the status of Princes and Princesses of heaven.

‘Guard your heart more than anything,’ said Solomon, ‘for out of it flow the springs of life.’
Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Let the path on which you walk be smooth, and let all your paths be determined: turn not to the right hand or to the left, and beware of evil. ‘

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie[/md_text]

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