ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

Developing our personality in a world that has long strayed from the Path of Truth, we have reached the position where we have difficulty understanding the mechanisms of thought and mentality that the Godhead initially put in man.

Recalling what we should be in this world, the Apostle Paul greets us today with a short and concise message:
“Rejoice in the hope. Be patient in trouble. Persevere in prayer. ” Romans 12:12

Carefully analyzed, at the heart of this divine thought is a ‘golden triplet’ that should not be missing from the practical mentality of any authentic Christian, namely: “Joy-Patience-Prayer”

Deepening our minds into the teachings of the Lord Jesus, we see that the life of a true Christian is always shrouded in joy from a sincere heart. This state is not one without an address, but our joy is anchored in the perspective that we will soon reach where we belong by right, namely in the kingdom of Heaven. A place where we will be royal beings and where an entire empire of angels awaits us to celebrate the reunion of the beautiful family of the Godhead.

Approaching life in this way of understanding, even when looking at the troubles of this fleeting life, a true believer sees no distress in them, but rather opportunities to prepare him mentally and spiritually for the coming Kingdom, giving us life. Eternal.

Thus, patient and full of joy, he enters the modeling process to make him better, more faithful and fairer.

Going through this opportunity of carving the character, the man who understood the true faith does not forget to constantly communicate with his Creator through prayer, adjusting every step taken in this world, in accordance with the plan of our Good God!

Motivated by these thoughts, let us not forget, wherever we are today, let us accept with joy and patience the daily trials, because they have a clear purpose in our lives; Namely, to prepare our character and mentality for eternal life spent in the Glory of the Godhead.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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