ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us”. 1 Peter 2:12 NIV
Living in a society whose values ​​are corrupt and carry a duplicitous and most often contorted “truth”, any deed springing from the good heart of a true Christian will inevitably be viewed with suspicion and malice by others, because humanity to this day, he has educated himself in accepting evil with open arms, but rejecting as a pariah the true “goodness” of God.

Probably each of us has gone through and still go through specific states of sadness and frustration, generated by the lack of gratitude for the kindness we have shown from the heart of our fellow human beings.

However, we must continue to shine in the spiritual darkness of contemporaneity, because the Bible teaches us today to be different from the common note of society and to do only what is good in this world.

And what would be the logic of such an attitude? You might ask yourself; Probably tired of the almost endless plea for ironies pouring in from all sides like the cold torrents of a sour and hopeless day.

The answer is invariable and detached from the divine mentality. A unique sample of wisdom, which unfortunately disappears gradually from the thinking structure of a society, hidden in its bubble of “truth adapted” to the needs of the elites, far from the essence, far from God.

So why respond kindly to all people? Because seeing the consistency of our words in the practice of life, and especially of the way in which they are transcribed into deeds of goodness, distributed to all generously, people who today look at us perhaps with suspicion, find in their research a way to the light of truth. .

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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