ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

Looking back on the history of mankind, we note with surprise that not the plagues or terrible diseases of sin have constantly decimated humanity, not even wars or natural disasters, but always the spearhead of destruction has found its abode in the very sinful mind of man.

This ferocious mechanism is known in the modern world as the generic name ‘stress’ or more popularly said, ‘avalanche of worries’, that grinds the fragile being inside.

Stress is so treacherous that it can silence even the most resilient of us. It is like the worm that snuck into the deepest and deepest place, grinding the roots of the towering Abanos, (that tree so hardy and hard to cut down Even by the mechanized means of modernity). Stress is therefore a real and ruthless scourge that continues to slowly but surely grind entire areas of humanity!

However, God’s Word reminds us today that we have the real opportunity to get rid of worries and needs:

I quote: ‘Cast all your worries on Him, for God Himself cares for you.’ I have concluded the quotation from the first Epistle of 1 Peter 5: 7

By reading carefully we learn that worries can therefore be removed voluntarily, immediately and in full, and this only because the Lord Jesus Christ, our Creator, cares for each of His believers so as to replace trouble with joy and stress with Peace. That surpasses any skill.

For this mysterious phenomenon to happen, we must first fill our minds with faith and love for our God, for only by trusting in Him can we overcome trial and tribulation.

So do you find yourself in the misfortune of a stressed and worried man, with a heart full of bitterness and anxiety?

Fear not! Look with confidence to God, for that is where our help comes from.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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