Thought of the day:

When we discuss “the salvation of man” we are practically talking about one of the most controversial concepts in the history of Christianity, a paradigm analyzed from all angles and hotly debated from the oaths of Preachers, given that its implications in the life of each of us are -right colossal.

“I am the Door,” said the Lord Jesus, “If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved; He shall go in and out, and find pasture. ” John 10: 9

Today, I propose to you a careful analysis, but a little different from the common norm of understanding, choosing an approach that will highlight some fundamental elements for the security of eternal life.

By carefully reading the Savior’s statement, we understand that the only way to the Kingdom of God is the Creator Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only one who can offer salvation.

We also understand that only by standing by Him will we be able to nourish our souls with the wisdom necessary to walk the thorny path to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Why do I say that? Because we are all going through this world driven by a confused philosophy and constantly reversing its set of values, we have begun to adopt in our own mentality the alternative sources of salvation; A kind of ‘shortcuts’ that promise to take us to heavenly glory, but at the same time leave us some space for the ‘innocent pleasures’ of everyday life.

So looking back at the reality around us, we notice that we have been assailed by all sorts of worship techniques, methods and strategies of prayer and spiritualization, which promise us with their heart that they will bring God closer to us, but Without much effort on our part.

However, the Bible clearly records that the only Way to heaven, and the only Door to Eternity is the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who taught us before His departure from this world that only those who reach the Kingdom of Heaven will reach there. They will do their utmost to sanctify themselves and put into practice the will of God in their lives.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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