Thought of the day:

Deepening our thoughts today in the divine wisdom and at the same time looking at the cruel reality around us, we understand more than ever that we are living in the hard and dangerous times of the end of history.

These are the dark days on which our forefathers wisely tried to draw our attention with great responsibility, because it is a time characterized by wickedness, confusion, and spiritual wandering rather than goodness and morality.

Why do I say that? And what do I rely on in my statements? Or if we better fit the question: what affects us personally?

Well, looking diligently at the postmodern trend, we understand that the spiritual darkness that encompassed the world did not come from nothing, but is attributed to our fierce ‘ability’ to manipulate ourselves and the mind alone. We often do it in a desperate attempt to reconcile and keep together in the lives dominated by a ‘duplicitous’ thinking both the worldly lifestyle, the sins that come with it, but also God and His holiness.

So these are the days of sifting, the ones that the Bible tells us about and that we have been waiting for for a long time, because they mark the end of our run. It is the time when, as a skilled craftsman, God will separate the sour grapes from the good ones, the weeds and the gold from the rusty and worthless tins.

In this light of understanding the Bible, all of us who have put our trust in God should strive to remain spiritually vigilant, choosing to guide our lives according to His Word and the precepts it contains, to the detriment of the chase. you are mad at the illusory ‘riches’ of this sinful and miserable world.

Let us do all things without murmuring and without hesitation, so that at the coming of the Lord we may be found blameless and clean, honorably bearing the title of children of God.

I conclude by reminding you of the apostle Paul’s beautiful exhortation to believers everywhere: Philippians 2:12

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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