Thought of the day:

Because it is one of the most blamed but unfortunately not fully understood mechanisms of the human mind, I propose today a brief foray into understanding our dreaded enemy called ‘doubt’ when it comes to faith in God.

Synonymous with ‘hesitation,’ the mechanism of doubt is in fact the main lever that man has used since the beginning of history in his daily struggle against his fellow men and against God.

What we generically call ‘doubt’ is therefore that complex and treacherous mechanism that will always enter our minds through a weak and at first glance innocent ‘thought’ but which at the right time in an inattentive mind will dig. in man the painful caries of decadence.

Its driving force is generated by the fact that it carries a strong emotional load, which makes it undoubtedly an unbeatable enemy, often camouflaged in good intentions. So it was in the beginning when with a single idea Adam dug an enormous chasm between himself and his Creator; so it is today, when doubt enslaves the mind, destroys relationships, and depraves souls.

In fact, the Bible is adamant about this phenomenon. ‘He that wavered is like the waves of the sea, troubled and tossed about in the wind.’ (James 1: 6)

Bearing in mind the divine teaching, you choose to be a vigilant Christian today. Get rid of any thoughts that are troubling you, stay away from anyone who brings your doubt into life, and by fighting this ruthless scourge, overcome it by faith in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Don’t give them a chance to settle in your life because it will darken your mind and draw you away from the truth, turning you into an unstable and undecided being, beaten by the wind in all directions.

It will annihilate any chance of bearing fruit for your God, it will erase your right to reward, and it will nullify your faith, which is basically the only way you can see the Kingdom of Heaven and taste the divine goodness.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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