Thought of the day:

One of the most beautiful gifts that God gave to man when he created him was the freedom to choose his own way and style in which to live his life.

Enchanted by the tempting offers that lie everywhere ready to be tried, the man subtly changed his turn, quickly orienting himself towards the illusory happiness of the moment.

Thus listening to the whisper of sin and at the same time abusing the goodness and blessing of its Creator, he chose to walk on paths drawn sideways, even perpendicular to the laws and will of the Godhead; pathetic paths of wickedness and hypocrisy, where he quickly learned how to live immorally, then smiling ‘innocently’ to the divinity, hoping for the armistice of forgiveness.

But when man chose to live with intensity the joy and ease of the moment to the detriment of eternity, man forgot in his ignorance that the day of judgment would come for each of us; a day set precisely in God’s great plan.

In fact, the Bible is firm in this regard: ‘Rejoice, young man, in your youth, be glad in your youth, walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes; but know that for all these things God will call you to judgment. ‘ (Ecclesiastes 11: 9)

Understanding the landmarks set by the Creator, the wise man knows that he has not been, is not, and will never be able to master the moment, choosing to look at life with vigilance, caution, and respect. give account before the divine justice.

As for you, choose to be an Ambassador of Wisdom today. Enjoy every moment, but do it with reverence and respect for your God.

Make it clear in every word or behavior that you have decided to walk the beautiful path of the mindset of Jesus Christ, to the detriment of the spiritual ‘mud’ that dominates the alternative and twisted paths of postmodern society today.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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