Thought of the day

Thought of the day:

Choose the Bible today, even though its teachings are often uncomfortable with your earthly nature (the one that makes your blood boil when exposed to the truth); choose the Bible because only by understanding and applying the Word of God in your own life will you be healed of your sin and find an answer to your call to happiness.

Not infrequently, finding it difficult to find our way to our destination, we tried to either use a map or a navigation system or even advice from others, with the precise purpose of gathering information. necessary to take us to the harbor and direct us in the right direction or to the desired address.

After all, there is no greater drama and more terrible disappointment than finding out that after a long and difficult journey we have reached a wrong destination; and that’s only because we chose to follow our steps on the wrong map, on the advice of others, or, even more dramatically, as we rightly thought was best when we set out.

The same is true when we discuss our journey through this life; because living in a world of offerings, in which all sorts of religious ideas show us all sorts of meanings of shortcuts that lead to heaven, it is easy to understand why humanity is struggling in absolute confusion and at the same time in overwhelming ignorance of the Truth.

And yet, even if the evil one in his express desire to cut off our access to the truth has always managed to destroy the image of God’s prophets by cunning, what he could never compromise is a ‘book’ often forgotten on the shelf with dusty junk. and the innumerable of everyday life.

By learning to lead your life according to this precise map, you will fully understand why the Savior of the world said just before His ascension, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through me.’

As for the hum of the world, an unnatural one that is noisy nowadays, you have already learned on your own skin that it only leads you to evil.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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