ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

If we could somehow have the opportunity to investigate in detail the mechanisms that propel humanity itself, reducing it to its essence, we will understand that everything we become in this world, but especially everything we leave behind then When we take our flight to the blessed shores of the afterlife, it boils down to the reputation we have built with effort through daily deeds, generally oriented toward others and not necessarily toward ourselves.

Following the same idea, the Sage Solomon characterized the supreme ideal of human life by a simple and easy to understand desideratum.

‘A good name is more desirable than great riches, and love is more precious than gold or silver.’, (Prov. 22: 1)

But learning the ‘naked art’ of self-love, a science that invites us to live the moment to the detriment of eternity, we, the common people, have reached the unfortunate hypostasis of some investors oriented exclusively to their own well-being.

We no longer care about others and their well-being, seeking material, intellectual, or spiritual wealth at all costs and by any means; But from a selfish and personal position.

We do not realize, however, that every compromise made in this direction chops us and erodes us insatiably, from the good name we have received through the love and goodness of the Creator; Namely the beautiful nickname ‘child of God’, Prince or Princess of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Understanding therefore the need to change the deficient mentality and the attitude we have both towards ourselves but especially towards others, we can only motivate ourselves to live our daily lives in such a way that all those Who surround us, observing our loyalty to our God and to His servants, may they also remember the divine smile and goodness when they are in distress.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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