Dare to believe

Thought of the day:

Despite the filthy and unethical philosophies of postmodernism trying hard to prove the impossible by stubbornly claiming that man was not created but rather evolved from ‘nothing,’ the Bible and the truth presented on its pages remain intangible and bring a Much more palpable meaning of our tumultuous existence.

Thus, the Bible methodically explains not only how we got here, but especially the reason why we were brought to life, emphasizing without denying that we are the wonderful creation of the Godhead and belong to him exclusively, regardless of the intellectual struggles of the ephemeral. Contemporary ideologies.

‘We,’ said the Apostle Paul, ‘are his work, and were built up in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we might walk in them.’ Ephesians 2:10

In fact, what differentiates us from the animal kingdom, the one from which other sensational-loving ‘researchers’ insinuate that we draw our sap, is precisely the ability to use complex mechanisms such as: reason, logic and meaning.

Thus, reading the Bible, the written expression of truth, we notice that all the content makes sense, and its truth remains intangible both scientifically and especially spiritually.

So by carefully analyzing this unique collection of Books (Biblios in Greek means Library), we learn that God did not create us and then abandon us in the mists of the universe, but in His Sovereignty and Wisdom, He gave each of us a Direction, role and purpose in life; Namely, to be in the world the expression of goodness, impurity, and divine truth.

Motivated by these thoughts, let us choose to live this day only in the divine mentality and thinking, doing deeds worthy of our repentance and showing the world the true face of Christianity! That springing from the mind of our Creator!

Dare, knowing it is possible!

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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