ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

Looking briefly both at the philosophy of life but especially at the mentality practiced in today’s Christianity, we easily notice the great discrepancy between what is declared and what is practiced in the so-called life of faith.

What makes me question this statement? Well, that strange habit by which we cyclically transform our way of being according to our own interests, going through diametrically opposed spiritual states but which feed our pride abundantly.

Somehow, as time went on, we gradually learned the cynical dance of spiritual duplicitism through which we always take the step back and forth from the ‘piety’ and ‘humility’ of the weekend (displayed by the characteristic pompous outfits – both attire and attitude) to behaviors Liberals during the week; Or rather ‘in trend’.

Although small, this step actually shows how fragile our faith is, or rather that we sometimes lack it completely, although ironically, each of us could swear that it is the central element of our daily mentality.

But we must not lose sight of the fact that in order to reach the status of true children of the Godhead, faith must be practiced responsibly and realistically, and not just mechanically mimicking the will of the Creator.

Observing in Christianity the same unseen tendency, the Apostle Paul offers us a sample of practical thinking meant to help us in the right frame on the way of salvation:

‘I was crucified with Christ, and I live … but I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.’ Galatians 2:20

Reading carefully we understand that being dead to the world means both will and especially sustained effort to block even the slightest stimulus of sin, so easily accepted in contemporary society, a world that is trying hard to parasitize us. Consciousness, reason and feelings!

If, as far as you are concerned, you are tired of posing as an authentic believer, although nothing in your life accredits you as such, choose today to follow in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus, confidently stepping into the Kingdom of heaven.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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