Wandering in a world of whims, a world that lives with the accelerator pedal pressed to the maximum, we, the postmodern believers, are more and more often confronted with the strange phenomenon of ‘selective forgetting’.

We quickly forget the good aspects of life, but we keep in our minds the harmful memories, which thus receive the chance to gnaw on our insides like a worm.

May God protect you from upsetting someone in these dangerous times, because he will never forget you, you will even remain forever in the ‘climbing of his spiritual rifle’!

But try to do good, giving yourself with all your passion and you will see in return the lack of reaction of people.

But we should not be like that, not to value the gems of ‘darkness’ more than the goodness and generosity of God.

Let us remember at the beginning of the week that our duty as Christians is to worship our Lord and to praise Him for all the goodness with which He has blessed us.

Adopting such a mentality, the whole sky will bow before the nobility of our soul, and the people around us will unequivocally notice the difference in value from the rest of the crowd. Perhaps, marveling at the positive and distinguished attitude that characterizes our souls, they will also choose to follow the path to truth.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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