ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

What defines a true believer and how does he distinguish himself from the people of a currently drifting society?

“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it”.  Jesus said emphatically, pointing to an undeniable clue that would identify true believers; (Mark 10:15 NLT)

I have often wondered why the Creator chose this very mysterious example to describe the specific portrait of people who will stand next to the Godhead and also why it is imperative to transform our minds, thus returning to the mentality and innocence of a child. To gain access to the Kingdom of Heaven.

To understand this mystery we must look carefully at the modern society built around us and at the same time at the ‘Cult of the evolved and all-sufficient man’ that today’s world insatiably promotes.

Thus analyzing these key elements of life in postmodernity, the answer to all these questions begins to take shape on its own, and the overall picture becomes clearer and easier to understand!

Thus living in a fallen society and sold to sin, we have absorbed in ourselves all the darkness and filth of the evil one, thus corrupting the innocent and perfectly created being, even in the image and likeness of the Godhead!

Because we have chosen to follow the ways of the wicked, we have impregnated our lame beings with his dark character, conditioning our faith and righteousness with God so much that the only purpose for which we manifest them in our own lives is to obtain Through a ‘cheap bargain’ momentary benefits that will soon disappear quickly into the heavy spiritual night!

But if you really want to taste the goodness of Heavenly Glory, choose today to transform into what you once were.

So choose to love Him and trust Him with a sincere and innocent heart like a child’s heart, for only by doing so will you truly understand the art of righteousness.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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