ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

‘As You sent Me into the world, so I sent them into the world. And I myself am sanctified for them, that they also may be sanctified through the truth. And I pray not for them only, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. ‘

These are the words of the Testament recorded in Eve after John 17:20 and by which the Lord Jesus entrusted us all to the hand of the Father of God, words by which we receive equally the sure assurance that His passion for us, his brothers and sisters Smaller, it is overwhelming and indisputable.

On the other hand, meditating carefully on this text we remember today that we, the faithful children of the Godhead are chosen to be ‘Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven’ on this earth sunk in spiritual darkness, and at the same time ’emissaries’ of love, kindness and Righteousness in a world of wickedness, dominated by hatred and overwhelmed by sin.

This noble and high-ranking position implies perhaps the greatest responsibility that the Creator has given to His creation, entrusting us with the mandate to represent him before the world, so that looking through ourselves, the people who have wandered in That the dove of life may see projected on our faces the pure image of a one God in faithfulness and love for His Creation.

Understanding thus the Divine goodness and following the example by which our Lord honorably represented his Father in this world in the role of perfect Ambassador of heaven, let us also make this day a good reason to show those around us that God exists And in His immeasurable love He desires to share His treasures with all who resemble Him.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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