
Thought of the day:

When troubles, stress, or worries begin to arise in life, man’s first reaction is usually to move quickly toward a fellow believer, a place of comfort, or a shoulder to cry on. bitter.

We all do it instinctively, forgetting that the ‘source’ of true comfort is in God and that His goodness has been offered to us without money and without payment to each of us.

In this idea the Psalmist reminds us bluntly: (I quote) ‘Because you say: The Lord is my refuge! and thou shalt make the tower of the Most High to dwell in, and there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. ‘ (Psalm 91: 9-10)

But being educated in the secular mentality, I depersonalized the Deity so much that I transformed it either only into an archaic painting, painted fad in the minds of the already ‘weather-coveted’ generation, or into a philosophical chimera of the secular generation. , postmodern that is slowly taking over control of humanity through a dramatic paradigm shift.

So we cling to people’s hopes, knowingly forgetting or denying the Creator.

But by carefully analyzing and meditating on the teachings of the Bible, that wonderful letter that the Godhead addressed to mankind that he created out of love, we understand that it is much better to seek refuge in the Lord Jesus than to trust. in people, it is even better to seek the help of the Creator than to trust in the powerful ‘!

Wherever you are, ask Jesus to stand by you today, for by choosing him to be your partner, all your paths will be smooth, and you will succeed in everything you set out to do. !

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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