Thought of the day:

‘Seek to be godly, for bodily habit is of little use, while godliness is useful in every respect, for it has the promise of life now and in the world to come.’

These are the precious counsels that the Apostle Paul sends to his younger disciple, Timothy; 1 Timothy 4: 7-8 and from which we can learn more today.

Why do I say that? Because by intertwining our daily activities with those of the people we live with, we have inevitably begun to gradually adapt to the ‘less Christian’ mechanisms and practices of those around us.

We have thus become laden with all sorts of strange rituals and practices, most of which are detached from the pagan world and which, paradoxically, we no longer understand, but even sadder, we are no longer interested in finding out the source of their origin; practicing them with the stubbornness and stubbornness specific to a ‘captive world in the ideological vortex of doctrines’.

However, under careful scrutiny in the light of the Bible, we will be surprised to learn that many of the so-called spiritual behaviors that we practice hard are, in fact, only spiritually potent imitations of the pagan world, elements that find no correspondent in the Word of God.

Returning to “godliness” the key element of this day, we understand that they involve a specific mentality, in which man filters reality with the help of the Bible, thinks and actively processes every detail of his spiritual life, constantly making informed decisions and not blindly practicing what he does not understand.

If you look at yourself today in the mirror of the Bible, you will find great discrepancies between what is required of you and what you are actually doing. it defines man in this world to see the full beauty and radiance of Heaven.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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