ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

‘Let us go out of the camp to Him, and suffer His reproach. For we have not here an everlasting city, but we seek the future. ‘ We have concluded the quote from the Epistle to Hebrews 13: 13-14, with which God calls us today to adopt the right attitude toward the world and life.

If we choose to meditate carefully on this beautiful display of wisdom of ancient times, we will find hidden among its ranks some precious treasures and deep truths, but whose postmodern philosophy of the society in which we live has changed in its rebellious desire both meaning As well as the significance.

Returning to our text, can we not move on without asking ourselves why Christ is presented to us as ‘out of the camp’ and at the same time, what are we looking for inside without Him?

Didn’t we rely too much on our own abilities to deviate from the true path of ethics, morality and faith? So that by reversing divine values ​​we have strayed from the standards of the Godhead and have vigorously adopted the chameleon style of sin?

In fact, by carefully analyzing the history of man presented in the pages of the Bible, we understand that we do not belong to this corrupt world and are constantly drifting, but we come from somewhere far away, from the glory of a pure God, marching to where we will Kings at the end together with the Creator of Heaven and Earth Himself.

For this, however, we must be ready to return to the values ​​and tasks that the Lord Jesus set for each of us before His ascension into heaven, accepting His teachings even if for the time being they will bring upon us the reproach of the secular world.

Do not forget! We live in the corrupt times of apostasy, in a society parasitized by the forces of darkness and that will react harshly when we decide to return to the way of thinking and being of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wherever you are, seek to be a bright light in the dense, cold darkness that has corrupted the world, always reminding you that you are the beloved child of the Creator.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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