Thought of the day:

“Tell me who you are friends with so that I can tell you who you are” simply postulates an old but full of the saying essence of the elders, bringing us under the magnifying glass of analysis each of us; Social beings by definition and who pathetically seek the company and acceptance of their peers.

Looking at ourselves, we easily understand that we were created with the instinct to live integrated into larger or smaller groups and not in isolation. It is a good and beautiful aspect of the human personality, but when applied incorrectly it can become devastating, turning into a weapon of spiritual or physical self-destruction and sometimes of mass social destruction.

Reading carefully and diligently the Bible, we notice among its ranks one of the most beautiful aspects of God’s character, namely that of being himself a social person, ready to present himself to others as a most loyal friend.

‘Make friends with God, and you will have peace, rejoicing again and again.’ Is one of the most profound counsels recorded in the pages of the Scriptures, which then continues elegantly: ‘Receive the teaching from His mouth, and put His words into your heart.’ Job 22: 21-22

Contrary to the general impression unjustly spread in the world, which accepts the concept of God only by attributing to it the position of chimera or at most of philosophical idea, we know and confess that our God is real. Moreover, He is full of kindness and compassion for all His friends.

Finding a place next to Him you will never feel alone again because God will be ready at any moment to listen to you and talk to you, to laugh and cry with you or to be your shield and shield in any attempt to Of life.

Learn today to approach the strong; By the Creator and His armies, leaving aside the carefully watched entourage will quickly betray their petty intentions and by which makes you only a mere slave of sin.

Only in this way will you see with your own eyes the happiness even here, in our gloomy and temporarily colored world in gray tones.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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