Thought of the day

Thought of the day:

Quickly going through the ephemeral moments of life, we have all learned how to relate and relate to each other, so that just by taking a brief look at our fellow men, we notice with astonishing precision all those who resemble us. , and at the same time all those we prefer as far as possible from our own entourage.

The mystery that hides this extraordinary science is found in each of us, because by reducing the human being to its essence, we understand that it is not these transient bodies that are ourselves, but the soul that is found inside; That mechanism that transcends God.

So looking closely at man, we understand that everything that transpires on the outside becoming visible through behavior, draws its sap from the hidden world of the soul, because as weeds are seen as a bad plant by the poison of the poison it hides in itself, and the grain The grape is distinguished from the other fruits by its sweetness, so a soul poisoned by sin will be visible through the deeds and words it generates.

Understanding the world from a unique perspective, the Apostle Paul reminded us that in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also vessels of wood and earth. Some for an honorable use, and others for a disgraceful use.

‘Thus, if one chooses to cleanse himself of his old sins,’ the Apostle pointed out, ‘this man will become a vessel of honor, holy, useful to his master and worthy of any good work.’

If the Word of God has examined you today, let it be transparent from the behavior or speech you choose to manifest in the world, both the goodness and especially the gentleness of your good and faithful soul to the Creator!

Remember, ‘The Lord knows all who are His,’ so whoever utters the Name of the Lord, turn away from iniquity! ‘ (2 Timothy 2:19)

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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