ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

To be a ‘resourceful’ man in these turbulent times, means in the generally accepted opinion of postmodern society, to get as much as possible from an investment as small as possible, and if possible, without making any effort that To alter the dowry and so limited of personal resources.

Why do I say that? Because by succeeding in drawing ‘dry stone water’ as our forefathers said, you will quickly gain the esteem and admiration of a culture that insistently promotes extreme individualism and selfishness, making you more attractive and imposing to flatterers Your friends.

All these deviations from the moral norm established at the beginning by the Creator gradually transformed what was intended to be the meeting place with the Godhead, into stock exchanges for the deception, where, as in the consumer markets, fashion, shows are now displayed. Money and business, but ironically everything is done in the name of faith and holiness (believing in our wisdom that we can thus fool God, stealing with a few declarations of chameleon love the right to inherit His Kingdom) .

But taking a close look at the Bible, we find that God’s principles have remained unchanged from the beginning and that they operate quite differently from our current standards of understanding.

Namely: the more we invest in the practice of His divine values, the more He will invest in us, but the more we cling to the philosophy, mentality, and sinful practices of the world, the more the Deity will move away from Each of us.

“You ask and you do not receive,” the Apostle James reminded us, “because you ask for evil conduct, with the intention of scattering it in your pleasures. Don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity with God? So whoever wants to be friends with the world becomes an enemy of God. ” I ended the quote (James 4: 3-4)

Where you are, learn today that only by living a moral life and genuine faith will you inherit the glory and right to sit in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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