
Thought of the day:

One of the fundamental mistakes that Christians make when they question the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary is the assumption that His coming into the world (and implicitly the sacrifice at Golgotha), had as their ‘exclusive purpose’ the forgiveness of mankind’s sins. This is the salvation from the eternal death of the human being.

By carefully analyzing the Bible, we understand that the Sacrifice of Golgotha ​​was part of a much greater and broader plan than that presented today with great pomp in Christianity. In fact, the Savior’s words identify exactly the key aspect of His work on this earth and especially the role He has assigned to each believer:

I quote: “You did not choose Me; But I have chosen you; And I have commanded you to go and bear fruit, and your fruit will remain, that whatever you ask of the Father in my name he may give you. ”I concluded the quote from Eve after John 15:16

Meditating carefully and diligently on the teachings of this short biblical text, we understand that the Lord Jesus came into our world to select and set aside a chosen tribe, made up of all who choose to believe in His name.

His incarnation therefore had the great purpose of making man once fallen and corrupt, His partner in action, and then teaching him how to produce good and worthy fruits for the Kingdom of Heaven, so that the Godhead could find pleasure in Each of us.

Do not forget! Before His departure from this world, He gave us another mystery: ‘If you bear much fruit, by this My Father will be glorified; And ye shall be my disciples John 15: 8

Motivated by this express requirement of the Lord Jesus, I urge you all to proceed today to the field of work, bearing fruit worthy of our repentance and letting it be easily distinguished in every behavior and speech that we are part of a Chosen tribes and a holy calling!

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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