Thought of the dayThougth for soul
[md_text md_text_title1=”” md_text_title_separator=”no”]O God, thou art my rock, and my fortress, and my fortress, and my fortress; Psalm 18: 1-2

The natural tendency of the man in distress and trouble is to quickly turn to a life-saving solution, in the idea of ​​finding relief from deep wounds and if he can regain his lost radiance.

We all know that we look with hopeful eyes at the miraculous ‘lifeline’ as we pass through the valley of the shadow of death, but what we almost never realize is that the only solution that will bring us complete salvation and repair lies in The generosity and love of God.

I know, this explanation sounds archaic and old-fashioned for a postmodern mind, trained in the idea of ​​human self-sufficiency, and which considers divinity only a myth worthy of the less blessed minds of past generations.

However, by carefully and diligently analyzing every detail of life and science that governs the movement of each of its molecules, one cannot fail to notice the imprint of the Creator who made everything.

Learn today to communicate with Him, to call Him by name, and to make friends with the one in whose palm your name and my name are pierced with the barbarism and hatred specific to the human race.

By befriending God you will understand absolute happiness. Moreover, even the dreaded ‘valley of the shadow of death’ will turn into a place that will resound in songs of joy.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

Source: Instagram[/md_text]

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