Thought of the dayThougth for soul
[md_text md_text_title1=”” md_text_title_separator=”no”]Thought of the day:

One of the greatest customs of man, is called “superficiality”. An unfortunate attitude that benefits in abundance all those who want to keep us submissive and docile to a corrupt system and full of iniquity.

Why do I say that? Because superficiality is the factor that will quickly cancel out even the slightest hint of knowledge or correct positioning in reality. We should replace them with the feeling of fear and helplessness that the limp human being feels either naturally or induced by others.

Knowing how likely we are to fall prey to this condition, the emissary of wickedness. Satan himself will do his best to show us how small and weak we are, using our colleagues, bosses or why not even some so-called “Christians. ”Which perishes through the Church of the Lord.

If you have often fallen into the trap of fear and helplessness, generated by the superficiality with which you treated the reality around you. Remember today that you are a Child of God and that in you dwells a spirit of power, love and Thoughtfulness. It is the Holy Spirit that the Lord Jesus promised before His ascension into heaven, and who will remain with us until the end of the age.

Remember, ‘God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’ 2 Timothy 1: 7

So if you are overwhelmed by fear, defeat your primary instinct for weakness and do what you thought was impossible: raise your head and shout the sweet slogan of victory:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie[/md_text]

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