Thought of the dayThougth for soul
[md_text md_text_title1=”” md_text_title_separator=”no”]Thought of the day:

Developing his character in a society beautified down to the smallest detail and which hides its entire setting devastated by hatred, malice and sin under the bright and pastel layer of illusions, the postmodern Christian gradually but surely adapted to the duplicitous and asymmetrical To sin.

Thus, Christianity tacitly accustomed its parishioners to adapt and to ‘accept’ the philosophy imbued in the chameleon style of the new world, and which it culminated, to later manifest with pomp in the name of the Lord.

We live therefore in a dangerous period in which the elegance and spiritual beauty of the original believer were fenced between the standards of the material world, where we artificially ‘painted’ our impotences, only to show the world through a false image of piety, which We have not been, we are not and maybe some of us will never actually be!

However, even in these times stripped of essence and over which the thick and cold haze of sin has long lain, a spiritual light shines brightly. It is the Bible, a collection chosen by teaching that reminds us that the essence of beauty lies neither in customs, nor in customs, nor in entourage and in more and more. It lies in the goodness and generosity expressed generously to all people.

This is how God created us and this gives us the incomparable charm: Sincere goodness and manifested casually. Even if those around you will respond to such an attitude with arrogant, mocking and wicked looks.

“But you,” the Apostle Paul exhorted us after he himself had understood the mystery of absolute happiness, “to behave in a manner worthy of the Lord Jesus to please him in all things: bearing fruit in all kinds of works of goodness and growing In the knowledge of God. ‘ Col 1:10

In fact, the main purpose of the Bible for all believers today is to show the whole world the beauty and goodness of God expressed in our own behaviors, attitudes, and mentalities.[/md_text]

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