ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

Why is Christianity losing speed and why does it seem that apart from a few meaningful statements, nothing seems to differentiate us from the world in which we live?

The apostle Peter describes in simple steps the solution to this problem. “Make every effort to unite with your faith, deeds ; With deeds, knowledge; With knowledge, restraint; With restraint, patience; With patience, godliness; With godliness, brotherly love, and with brotherly love, love of people. ” 2 Peter 1: 5-7

If we take a close look at this text, debated and analyzed insistently over the millennia, we notice the mastery with which the Apostle Peter describes to us the practical Way to understand the mechanisms that propel the Kingdom of God itself.

Looking through the lines, we understand the whole mechanism of transformation of the ‘believer’ from the moment he chooses to ‘believe’ God in the Word and to the point where his faith is manifested in practice, emanating on the one hand love for others. And on the other, obedience to the will of the Creator.

Therefore, adopting such a practical but strange mentality for the great mass of the population and harshly criticized by bad mouths, we will rise above all, tasting the divine wisdom.

“If you have abundant in you these things of the true faith,” the Apostle reminds us, “they will not let you be lazy or barren in the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But who does not have all this ‘concludes Peter at the end,’ is blind, walks with his eyes closed, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed of his old sins ‘.

So meditate deeply on these counsels, where you are today choose the paths of wisdom. Practice the faith and let it be seen in every word and every deed, for only by ascending to heaven step by step will you reach the top, in the blessed Kingdom of God!

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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