ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

To ‘stay alert’ or ‘guard’ something involves the activation of cognitive mechanisms and the involvement of a voluntary effort, which man generally uses only when he knows that he has something of value or something coveted by his opponent.

A simple analysis of our own lives will highlight the fact that we never invest our resources and energy to guard something that does not attract us. Also, we will never be vigilant around an aspect considered worthless because by the nature of our mind we approach life experiences through the prism of the interests we have in its various fields.

Looking at everyday reality through this niche of understanding, we remember that we, born-again Christians, are commanded to keep sacred the precious treasure revealed to mankind at Golgotha, namely ‘Our Salvation’, and this cannot be done only on a declarative level. Understanding its importance and constantly investing our energy in being diligent and vigilant in order to keep in possession this price status.

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” The Apostle Peter reminded us of the great danger that always lurks when, by relaxing, we become easy prey. (1 Peter 5: 8 NLT)

Let us not, therefore, lie on our ears that once we have found salvation, we have finished our work, as some ‘temporary scholars’ try to insinuate, but remembering that when we made peace with God, we received as a gift Inheritance can to the most precious aspect of the universe, (Divine Citizenship) to put into practice the mentality of the Lord Jesus and at the same time of a behavior according to our belonging to heaven, because Salvation obliges us to manifest a life of authentic faith.

But if we choose not to live each day with care, Satan will sprinkle in our lives small thoughts and ideas that later put into practice will bring blame to the Kingdom of Heaven even by ourselves, and ironically without realizing it. .

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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