Dare to believe

Thought of the day:

‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.’ it is God’s greatest commandment to mankind (Deuteronomy 6: 5)

But enslaved by the passions of the heart, man originally created in the image and likeness of God gradually learned over time how to put into practice the ‘art’ of self-dependence, thus leaving the love, dedication, and fellowship of his Creator.

How can I love what I don’t see, what I don’t feel, or what I don’t experience in my own feelings? the voices of people who have become so accustomed to sinful life that they have ‘atheized’ both their minds and especially their souls resound more and more often!
Why run after archaic chimeras, in a society so developed that it can satisfy everyone’s desires and desires …? The cold and impersonal echo of the selfish mentality that has parasitized the world is clear.

Well, believing ourselves strong in ourselves, we turned away from God and rejected the mindset that He wanted to imprint on each of us; a mistake that made us prisoners in an illusory world of happiness.

But looking back at the ancient command that the people of Israel received from their Creator, we learn not only the traditional idea of ​​man’s dependence on God, but also the mechanism by which we can easily access the Kingdom of Heaven; namely, first getting rid of the mentality of ‘pompous’ statements that most often remain at the level of words, and then adopting the beautiful mentality of ‘practical love and faith’ and made visible in our daily deeds.

Facts aimed at all those around us.

Developing the same logical mechanism of understanding, in the idea of ​​bringing meaning into a world of “mechanical imitation,” the Apostle Paul reminded us in turn that the “fruit of light” lies in all goodness, justice, and truth. we ‘dress’ our lives every day.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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