Thought of the day:

Looking at yourself today in the mirror of spirituality, start on the path that life lays before your eyes, asking yourself in secret: How do I understand salvation and especially how do I practically apply in my life this extraordinary status offered by God Himself?

The concept of ‘salvation’ describes one of the most sensitive aspects of a Christian’s life; most often misunderstood or erroneously explained from the pulpit of preachers.

In fact, the ‘salvation’ or salvation of man is not an object, a document, a diploma or simply something to keep in the drawer, but is a whole PROCESS of the maturation of the authentic Christian, which also brings with it a great responsibility.

The Bible describes in great detail the fact that behind this extraordinary concept of ‘salvation’ lies a complex mechanism for the restoration of man, one initiated by God when there was still nothing in the Universe, then manifested at Golgotha ​​2000 years ago and which it will end when we reach the eternal glory of eternity. Simply structuring these ideas we can say strongly that:

1. We have been saved in the past by the ‘Redemption’ made at Golgotha, saved from the guilt of sin!
2. We are now saved through daily ‘sanctification,’ so be saved from the dominant power of sin!
3. we will be saved in the future by the eternal ‘Glorification’ of the Kingdom of God, thus being saved from the presence of sin!

Thus, once we have entered and remain to the end in this process of transformation of mind and soul, adopting the whole mentality, character, and style of behavior of the Lord Jesus Christ, our salvation is secured forever.

People who are aware of the security of their salvation are boldly involved in the fight against the sinful temptations of this life! – they are always balanced, anchored in reality, triumphant and without any interest in what they lose in this world, because they know what they will gain in heaven.

Be Blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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