Thought of the day:

One of the principles that formed the basis of humanity, laying the foundation on which everything was later built, was the attitude of obedience of the Lord Jesus to the will of His Father, generically called God.

“In appearance Christ was found as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: Philippians 2: 8-9

Summarizing in simple words this great mystery of Heaven, we understand that without the extraordinary attitude of ‘obedience’ nothing would have been possible in the creative process; that extraordinary masterpiece of which you and I are a part today.

But if we extend our analysis even deeper, we find that the motor of initial sin appeared precisely on this axis of mentality but directed in the opposite direction, namely to ‘disobedience to God’s will.’ In other words, instead of strictly following the plan for which we were created, we chose contradictory and contorted paths of wickedness.

But reading carefully the old text that is our foundation for wisdom today, we find that the secret and key to success in life lies only in the attitude of humility and obedience to the plan that the Creator has made for each of us! This kind of obedience, however, does not imply an obtuse and mechanical execution of His will, but it starts rather from the understanding and adoption of the divine mentality, and then its application in the practice of one’s own lives.

If these words resonate in you at all, choose to be an emissary of wisdom today. And, even if secular society will teach you that only by elbowing aggressively, and only by protesting loudly will you become a man of caliber in this crazy world, you apply in your life the art of humility, compassion and wisdom, following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. He reached the highest peak, undeniably using the mystery of total obedience and obedience to the will of His Father, God.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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