Thought of the day:

By carefully analyzing the trend of contemporary Christianity and at the same time the practices of the postmodern church, we cannot fail to notice the great discrepancy between the faith and values ​​that God left us with the letter of the law, and the daily practices of modern Christianity; the one who proudly and on a large scale calls himself a rightful follower of the Lord Jesus!

Where did I go wrong? And how did I derail so far from the truth? these are questions that should resonate in the analytical minds of each of us.

The answer also comes from God:
‘If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.’ Matthew 16:24

According to the teachings of the Bible, being an authentic Christian actually means detaching yourself from the worldly mindset, lusts, and desires; and this is not easy, for to renounce yourself is perhaps the most difficult practice of life.

Then, after you have gotten out of control of your own selfishness, it is imperative to anchor yourself in God, to take up your cross, (which is by no means a little gem hanging around your neck, but a test of spiritual maturity, which few pass today) and then follow in the footsteps of Christ – not a very comfortable element in the life of the Church today.

Reading these lines, you may wonder why such a strict approach to the life of faith is necessary, given that the God we follow claimed to be the source of goodness and love.

The answer is simple and concise, and is clearly found in the teachings of the Lord Jesus:

‘He that taketh not his cross, and followeth not me,’ said he, ‘is not worthy of me.’

Understanding, then, that we cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven without becoming like God, absorbing his teachings, and practicing them without denial every day, we must prove today that we too are following the true path of truth: to be better and more believers, showing the world around us the good light of righteousness.

Dare to believe! You can be the spark that can rekindle the flame of faith in this dark world!

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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