Thought of the day:

Wandering in a world of whims, where we live with the accelerator pedal fully depressed, we postmodern believers are increasingly confronted with the strange phenomenon of ‘selective forgetting’.

It is already well known that we quickly forget the good aspects of life, but we keep on keeping the bad and harmful ones in the chest with memories. Paradoxically, they do nothing but gnaw on our insides like the towering worms of the Orient.

May the ‘Most High’ guard you to upset someone in these dangerous times, that he will never forget you, you will even remain forever in the ‘climbing of his spiritual rifle’!

But try to do good, giving yourself with all your passion and you will see the lack of reaction of people who get lost in the spiritual fog of a society that has already reached the limit of ethical and moral subsistence.

The psychology of this phenomenon is simple and explains the cynicism that parasitized the human being; namely, that we keep in our memory all the aspects of life in which we invest effort, with which we identify and which we consider part of ourselves. But, we quickly forget the ones considered trivial and come from a natural course of life.

Thus we have come to the ungrateful situation in which we value more the evil bravado of ‘darkness’ than the goodness and magnanimity of God; a blessing that has come to be seen in the eyes of many as mere banality.

But we should not think that way, but instead prove that we are genuine Christians, remembering that our duty as Christians is to worship our Lord and to praise Him for all the goodness with which He has blessed us. .

But we must do it without forgetting at what price we were redeemed and with what great sacrifice we were rehabilitated from the miserable state we had reached, enslaved by all kinds of sins and passions.

Following the same line of understanding, the Bible reminds us of a simple advice: ‘Bless the Lord, souls, and do not forget any of His goodness!’ Psalm 103: 2

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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