ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

‘Teacher, we know that you came from God because no one can do the signs that You do, except God be with Him.’ John 3: 2

Starting from this beautiful statement by which Nicodemus, perhaps the greatest of the Rabbis of Israel at that time, characterized the Savior of the world, and at the same time remembering that we also identified with the latter when we accepted the title Of ‘Christians’, stop for a moment from the intense running of life, and try to meditate on your ephemeral existence on this earth, so tried and enslaved by sin.

But moving the magnifying glass of analysis to our own people, we should ask ourselves in secret, how we are viewed and what all those around us see in us.

But why do that? You might ask curiously. Well, assuming the title of ‘Christians’, meaning followers of Christ, we mutually accepted to adopt and manifest in the world the whole mentality, following his example of behavior.

So ask yourself if the signs that accompany your existence still reflect your God in front of others? Or, if the Love, Goodness and self-sacrifice of your Father who is in heaven can still be distinguished in you.

If not, it means that without noticing, instead of ascending, you descended step by step on the ladder of holiness, reaching the unhappy status through which you only imitate the faith; A man who boasts of what does not belong to him and whose punishment will in the end be a sad, eternal and irreparable one.

I know, it sounds harsh and maybe too sharp for a generation of people who have somehow found their comfort and spiritual balance by holding ‘one foot on the deck and the other on the boat.’

But today you choose the paths of wisdom, and looking carefully through the eyes of those around you, diligently analyze everything that is reflected on your face, giving you all your efforts so that in the reflection of your light God can be seen.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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