ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

Driven by their own pride, we often find ourselves in the ungrateful situation where, like the ‘talcum traders’, we display with pomp and unnatural pride everything we consider to be best in our personal collection of ‘spiritual and social breezes’.

Interestingly, when we choose to practice such behaviors, we do so not because we are required to, but rather on our own initiative, in order to impress others and at the same time show our superiority in a decadent world , forgetting the proverbial saying of the elders that says ‘self-praise does not smell good’.

However, analyzing carefully and diligently the Word of God, we notice today the central element of the mentality with which the legendary King David, one of the greatest men of Israel and also of universal history, once guided his life.

‘I,’ he said emphatically, ‘will boast of God, of His Word.’ I trust in God, and I am not afraid of anything. ” I have concluded the quote from Psalm 56: 4

We note that King David did not boast of himself or his colossal fortunes, although he had enough to impress an entire world, but in the specific reverence of a man who was exposed to the truth and understood the divine nature, he found pleasure. In God making His Name the cause of His praises.

Motivated by this thought, I invite you to learn today that everything we are and everything we currently have in administration, is due exclusively to the will of the Creator, a unique God who made man His reliable partner, giving us To each according to how far we can go, in this world.

Thus, full of joy and gratitude, let us also make of His Holy Name the cause of our praise, joy and merriment, because it falls and because at the same time, our God fully deserves it.

Where you are, stop for a moment from running after self-elevation and use all the energy you have to convey all the admiration of your Creator, God.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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