Dare to believe

Thought of the day:

“Christ in us, the hope of glory”. It is perhaps the most beautiful reflection of the thinking of a man truly in love with Christ and His mentality. Reflection recorded by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Church at Colossae. (Colossians 1:27b)

In fact, the supreme desire and hope of every Christian is to see the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God returning to the clouds of heaven to put an end once and for all to the dark Kingdom of sin, and then to establish the beautiful and blessed Kingdom of Heaven. .

However, the Bible draws our attention to the fact that without having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and without carrying in His soul and daily practice His whole range of teachings, all our hopes for a future of eternal Joy will remain in vain, for As it is written, only those in whose mentality the Savior will be the central element can have the perspective of the Glory and eternal fellowship of the Godhead.

How do you relate to God and the promise of His Kingdom? Are you ready to welcome him with the joy and passion of a winner who is waiting to receive the laurels of victory for the way he will have lived his ephemeral existence? Or, on the contrary: after carefully analyzing your life of faith, you realize that eternal condemnation may be written in your law.

Motivated by these thoughts, where you are choose to live today as a true Christian, absorbing in your own mind, all the goodness of Jesus and leaving your whole being to produce visible effects that ‘betray’ in front of all those who Surround your belonging to heaven.

Do not forget! We will find out the real hope of Glory only when the mentality of the Godhead becomes the foundation of our mind and heart.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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