ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him. “(Psalm 37:23 NIV) It is the message that the Bible reminds us today that we are not alone even though black clouds seem to have fallen on our lives.

Walking the twisted paths of life, we have often found ourselves looking for allies and supporters among those like us, simple or famous people. But who would give us a helping hand to quickly overcome the difficulties, needs or trials that had knocked on our door?

But by carefully and diligently analyzing the message that the Bible conveys to mankind today, we find one of the forgotten secrets. It seems to be under the guise of the old generations, but through which we can defeat our needs: Namely, taking him as an ally of God himself.

I know, mischievous mouths will say that we are discussing chimeras, or imagined aspects that no longer find a correspondent in contemporary everyday reality. They will walk on the idea that God does not exist and we try to sell ‘old people’s cures’ in a hyper-evolved world.
This method of thinking of the new generation is expressed due to the lack of personal knowledge of the Godhead or simply because this is the postulate of some people who present themselves as masters of the sciences; Some so “exact” that ironically, with each generation everything changes radically depending on the perceptions of the new “gurus” of contemporaneity.

But by studying life, and not in any way, but down to the smallest detail, we can easily understand that beyond our wild ideas, God does exist. It is even more real than the ‘reality’ of all our combative thoughts, because in every detail of the micro or macro-cosmos His imprint is clearly distinguished from the Creator.

But returning to the central idea of ​​this day, we understand that if we want to feel fulfilled and victorious in all our daily activities, we must systematically learn how to become friends of Jesus, because only with Him can we cross the valley of the shadow of death. In songs of joy, and only with Him will we reach the light from darkness.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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