God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and prudence ‘2 Tim 1: 7

One of the greatest customs manifested in human life, an area that Satan takes advantage of abundantly, is the state of fear and helplessness that he often feels when he timidly tries to live a devout life.

Knowing how susceptible we are to falling prey to this condition, the enemy will do his best to show us how small and weak we are, using all the resources that can have a devastating impact; sometimes by family, colleagues, bosses or why not even by some “Christian” assassins who perish through the Church of the Lord!

If you have often fallen into the trap of fear and helplessness, remember today that you are a Child of God and that a spirit of power, love and thought dwells in you. It is the Holy Spirit that the Lord Jesus promised before ascending to heaven, and who will remain with us until the end of the age.

So if you are overwhelmed by fear, defeat your primary instinct of weakness and do what you thought was impossible! Raise your head and shout your sweet victory slogan:

‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’

By trusting in God your heart will be strengthened, the darkness will dissipate around you and happiness will overwhelm your heart again.
But be a wise man and choose today to approach life as you should from the beginning, namely that a true child of God.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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