Thought of the day:

Enthusiastically traversing the winding paths of life, whether we are talking about young or old, each of us has gone through or are going through less pleasant moments right now, when the abilities we once thought to be invincible seem to fade when they are. Hit hard by helplessness.

The fact that we encounter problems everywhere is known to almost everyone, but what we master less, is the art of going through the whole amalgam of trials, suffering or trouble with a smile on your face and joy in your heart.

I know, it sounds absurd and maybe too idealistic, but looking carefully at the teachings of the Bible we notice an aspect of a special nobility; Namely, that God will take care of us even as we pass through the valley of the shadow of death, and in His Fatherly Goodness dedicated and full of passion for His children, He will finally bring us to the harbor.

Why, however, do we always come face to face with the problems of life, if the Godhead is so full of love for the man he emanated from himself, blowing his spirit from him?

The answer lies in each of us and in the mentality that governs our steps.

Thus, when we do well, we arrogate all our merits and rush into life with enthusiasm without rationalizing the consequences, and when we do badly, we blame others or God.

But if we choose to be honest with ourselves, we will notice with amazement that all the harmful decisions that have put us in the restrictive situations of life have been made selfishly, independently and without consulting the Creator.

So, if God stands beside us even in the dreaded ‘valley of the shadow of death,’ He is not there to show us the less pleasant corners of suffering, but on the contrary, to guide us back to the light from which we have Away alone, gradually and voluntarily.

Knowing these unique aspects of divine love, as far as I am concerned, today I choose to adopt a satisfying attitude in which the Peace of God embraces my heart. Then I will boast more joyfully of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may remain in me.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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