ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

The secret of full success and success in the realm of the mind and spirituality, a field that many dare to believe we master like the master lyre full of fine chords, lies in a correct approach to the practical way we choose to live our lives. .

Naturally, man has only two options when we discuss this mysterious realm of the mind, namely: either to constantly accumulate the divine wisdom through which to later refine his mentality and character, or to squander daily the valuable moments of his ephemeral existence, adopting A disordered attitude and consuming his energy in a permanent hunt for illusory happiness among the spiritualized bargains of postmodern Christianity.

Regardless, many of us have been trapped in the nostalgia of the past, feeding our minds with the same barren customs springing from man-made traditions, refusing to look confidently to the future ahead.

In fact, the Bible reminds us today of a key element of the life of faith; Namely, in order to have the guarantee of ‘salvation’ or simply eternal life, (when we have reached the end of our run on this earth), we must first know our purpose, methodology and at the same time the correct motivation to see it. God, then let us rush to the target of our calling.

‘Forgetting what is behind me, and throwing myself into what is before, I run to the goal for the prize of God’s heavenly calling, in Christ Jesus. But let this mind be given to all who are perfect. ”Philippians 3: 13-15

Therefore, looking to the beautiful perspective before us, I wish you all a day full of grace, in which looking intently to the goal of our salvation, to the Lord Jesus Christ, to give all our efforts by the power of the Holy Spirit so as to unite with faith Our deeds of goodness to honor the Godhead.

Thinking and working thus, at the end of our run on this earth we will be designated winners of the heavenly calling prize, receiving as a gift the salvation of our souls.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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