ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Thought of the day:

“How will the young man keep his path clean? Following Your Word. ” Psalm 119: 9

Driven by the burning desire for independence from any form of authority, we began to experiment with perseverance, all sorts of spiritual mechanisms and alternatives that, according to promises from those who pile them under our noses, should have brought us happiness and Peace of mind almost instantly.

Thus, in the naivety specific to ordinary people, I fell into the trap of my own fantasies, forgetting that “freedom” without reason becomes the dreaded enemy of man, an enemy who will grind the limp being piece by piece, and will do so ironically with a smile on his face and With the offer of a vain hope of a better future.

Thus began in fact the despair and wandering of man, the one who, leaving the rigorous “Path of Truth”, saw himself in the position of a free thinker, capable of creating an imaginary and ‘synthetic’ world, that is, neither spiritual nor entirely worldly.

Thus slowly but surely descending the steps of morality in his curious desire to experience the ‘new’, the fragile being reached perhaps the deepest level of spiritual darkness, where he forged a hybrid ideal through which he lives lazily his life corrupted by Sin, but ironically, being mistaken that all this is in relation to the will and plan of the Creator.

If reading these thoughts you find yourself at least in the description of this strange kind of algorithm of faith, choose today the path of wisdom and looking carefully at the direction of your steps, carefully analyze your life according to the prescriptions of God’s Word. Give all your efforts to follow the Creator both in word and especially in deed, for only by doing the ‘good prescribed by the Bible’ will you reach home safely, in heavenly Glory; Where the angels are waiting for you in the cheers of victory.

Do not forget! The true path of salvation is not easy to follow, but followed carefully and diligently will bring you eternal happiness in the end. So it depends on you how you relate to eternity. Take action!

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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