Thought of the day:

‘I know your deeds! I know you’re neither cold nor hot. Oh, if you were cold or boiling! But, because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor boiling, I will pour you out of My mouth. I rebuke and punish all those I love. Be zealous and repent! ‘

Analyzed diligently and the desire to understand the mysteries of the Godhead, this text written almost 2000 years ago, will highlight not only the major drama of postmodern Christianity (a system of thinking that has been corrupted and emptied of essence), but especially the major issue of ethics and morals that man, viewed as an individual in this degraded spiritual system has in relation to his Creator.

Choosing not to ‘hide behind the cherry’ but to look at the harsh reality, we will understand that all this mess of pseudo-spiritual ideas that pigment today’s Christianity, appeared as a result of man’s desperate attempt to have a relationship with God, but by imposing his own rules – without any real desire to give up the state of sin and corruption by which he quenches his thirst every day for the ephemeral pleasures of life.

But if you want to be a true believer, listen today to the voice of God who counsels us and reminds us with the specific love of a caring Father, that the secret of absolute happiness lies in three simple steps, namely:

1. Dedicate yourself to Him wholeheartedly without keeping any part of yourself.

2. Put on His character and thus the emptiness that sin has brought into your life will be covered.

3. Make God’s Word the guide of your life, for the Bible is the only resource by which we can see a clear and real picture of our own life and the world in which we live.

But to break free from sin and enter the new world full of holiness restrictions is perhaps the most difficult work you will do in this life. But the satisfaction and happiness that you will find later, will convince you that it was worth fighting to the end, to the last drop of energy.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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