ThoughtOfTheDayThe wisdom of God for daily thoughts

Walk guided by the Holy Spirit without fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. ‘ Galatians 5:16

Meditating carefully on this verse out of a desire to understand what God wants for us, we have noticed that one of the most important principles of the Christian life is total obedience under the authority of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit, God of God, part of the Trinity working in us and through us should be found in the practical thinking and attitude of every true Christian.

The presence of the Godhead in our lives should be seen naturally in our behaviors, practices, and especially in our daily words, and should not be seen exclusively in empty statements.

In simple terms we could say that a man full of the Holy Spirit will practically bring the presence of God to the place where he is; where looking at him, all those around him can easily distinguish the peace, kindness, gentleness, and dense, contagious joy of a real believer.

Understanding now the wonderful perspective of the divine mentality, I stop for a moment from the tumultuous running of life and ask myself in secret:

‘Am I really under the authority of God or, on the contrary, am I trying my best to impose my own will, thus living the illusion of a false holiness’?

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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