Thought of the day:

How can I be a true believer today and be helpful to others?

The answer to this question is simple and concise: choose to be an encouragement to them!

Why do I say that? Well, because the power of the word has been and will remain one of the most important mechanisms that work in human life. It is, in fact, that beautiful art by which we communicate with our fellow men, thus expressing in the world, emotion, joy, peace, and suffering.

Observing these distinct features of communication, the wise Solomon concluded: ‘A word spoken at the right time is like a golden apple set in a silver basket.’ Proverbs 25:11

However, taking our analysis to a more complex level, we understand that the whole capacity of man to communicate is in fact springing from the essence of the Godhead, because in the beginning it was the Word (Logos), or simply the creative force, through which they were all things were placed, and this capacity was later transferred to man, that created in the ‘image’ and ‘likeness’ of the Godhead.

Extrapolating this mystery, we reach our research to the level of the fragile human being, where we find that through the power of the word, each of us can offer both ourselves but especially to those around us either abundant life or death and suffering. This is probably why the Bible, also known as the ‘Word of God’, has caught our attention and insisted on training us all in the fine art of communication; and not in any way but by learning how to easily express divine generosity overflowing.

Thus, perhaps by remembering the chosen words by which we choose to express ourselves, people who have lost their way in the tumult of noise and unethical promises of sin will also find the right path, and souls lost in carelessness will turn their faces. to God.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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