
The thought of the day

A word gleaned from Romanian folklore says that ‘good security outweighs bad danger’, thus emphasizing the practical mentality of those who take the appropriate precautionary measures in time, so as not to be caught unprepared for life’s trials. This kind of people will not be left defenseless when problems begin to strike mercilessly and trouble strikes them.

However, the fact that man is generally cautious and protective with most material and tangible aspects of his life is simple to understand and not too difficult to observe, because just by taking a brief look at society we can easily distinguish all sorts of mechanisms and Strategies for “defense” and “conservation” of one’s property for as long as possible.

But when it comes to how we invest energy and effort in protecting our minds, in fact the most precious element of each of us, things become unclear and worryingly confusing, given the tendency of postmodern man educated in a visibly decadent system. .

We bring into question the freedom to accept anything, anyway, no matter how much and from anyone, in the incomprehensible spirit of excessive tolerance towards everything and everything. We have been trained to inhibit our mental defense mechanisms, often remaining uncovered, easy to control, and easy to manipulate.

Focusing on our generation we notice almost instantly the lack of the key element that gave our forefathers the structure of the strong mentality on which the whole civilization was later built, namely that unbeatable ethical and moral code without which society would have long been kneeling; I’m talking here about God’s meaningful Word, a book generically called the ‘Library’ or more popularly known in the world as the ‘Bible’.

Deepening our thoughts into the teachings of this fabulous collection of mysteries, teachings, and practical advice for the soul, we will understand that we have had and are in possession of the source of absolute truth; The only map made to lead us to full happiness.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

By admin