Thought of the day:

The difference between wisdom and naivete lies in the ability of man to understand correctly the reality in which he lives and to the same extent to respond appropriately to each situation with which he intersects his steps throughout life.

But knowing that the truth is always intangible, absolute and unique, the painful question arises: Who, however, are those who have understood the truth as it is, thus receiving the inheritance of heaven? And in extenso: who are those who struggle in the trap of virtual reality? (people who will eventually experience the great disappointment of refusing to be accepted into the Kingdom of Christ).

The key to understanding this enigma and at the same time how we position ourselves in the reality around us, is not in the way the individual perceives himself, but rather in the way he is perceived and understood by other people who surrounds him.

‘This is how each of us should be viewed and perceived,’ said the Apostle Paul, ‘as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.’ —1 Corinthians 4: 1

Starting from this way of thinking, we should each ask ourselves in secret what all those with whom life has crossed our paths on this day see in us.

Do they see in us the true servants of Christ? sages who understood the mysteries of God and then put them into practice to serve others? Or, on the contrary, leaving aside the small evils with which he encounters anyway, they see in us only unscrupulous braggarts, whose pompous statements are never transcribed in the practice of a life that when carefully analyzed remains always obscure and chameleon-like.

Meditating on these thoughts, wherever you are, motivate yourself to evaluate your state through the eyes of God, for only in this way will you know if you have anchored your life in His reality, or if on the contrary, you are still trapped in the illusory world generated by your own. you remember.

Do not forget! Jesus will not judge us by what we believe about ourselves, but by what he sees in the practice of our own lives.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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