Thought of the day:

Because we live, work, educate, and socialize with each other in the same sinful society, we will be constantly exposed to the risk of being deceived and bombarded with all the poison of its decadent philosophy.

In fact, developing our mentality in a corrupt world and constantly subjected to tempting offers, cunningly presented by the evil one, we slowly but surely began to sink into the mud and dust of this dirty world, pushed down by the heavy burden. of accepting compromise and indulging in sin.

Thus, in the same way that Satan overthrew the world through lies and false illusions that at first glance and carefully analyzed seemed noble, he will also try to deceive us.

It will enter our lives through the so-called ‘sins considered small’, often ignored, but which will instantly begin to have their evil effect on the ‘virus’ mind of the permissive man with sin, and which like a microscopic fissure that will develop over time. extraordinary, able to break in two even the strongest and most resistant rock.

In the same way, a seemingly harmless sin now will carry with it the energy needed to destroy our whole life; but he will do it treacherously and laconically, for it will entail an endless stream of irregularities which will carry us on the steps of decay and lead us from bad to worse.

So don’t play with sin. Do not listen to the whisper of the evil one and do not let yourself be carried away by his strategy because giving him even the slightest chance, he will infiltrate your life like poison, and drop by drop it will become part of your nature.

Choose the path of vigilance and wisdom today, identifying all the little ‘evils’ that have come into your life. Take them out, and put the mentality and goodness of the Lord Jesus in their place. All this will ennoble you.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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