
Thought of the day:

Tempted by the tempting colors of nonconformist life, the Christians of the new generation gradually but surely entered the tumultuous whirlwind of the worldly mentality, absorbing in themselves the poison of wickedness and degradation generated by the unhindered presence of sin; A spiritual virus that has produced irreparable mutations in the way true faith is understood and practiced today.

Hiding behind the idea that God is ‘late’ in fulfilling His promises, some of us not only do not shy away from living our lives in a duplicitous way (with one foot in the church and the other in the world). , they even started to push the others, more circumspect in the way, towards the new trend. Hoping in the recklessness of their minds that they would have enough time to repent of their souls just before the end, after they were fully tired of such tempting daily adventures.

But they may have forgotten too quickly that if we still benefit from the period of grace in which we can prepare our souls for the encounter with God, it is not because of His delay or the fact that the Divinity has become somewhat entangled in plans, but on the contrary. In His great Goodness, the Creator has given us and ‘still’ gives each of us a lot of chances.

But this will not be repeated indefinitely, because only if you look at the signs around us, you will notice that everything heralds the fast-approaching approach of the Day of Judgment in the world.

In this idea, the Apostle Peter reminded us that “the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; But is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. ”

So, if you still breathe today and the spark of truth is still in you, listen to the call of Heaven and get as close as possible to the heart of the Savior, because only by befriending Him and becoming like Him will you inherit the Kingdom of God .

‘If you hear His voice today, do not harden your hearts, but return to God sincerely.’ Hebrews 3:15

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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