Thought of the day:

Developing our character in a society beautified to the smallest detail and hiding its entire setting devastated by hatred, malice and sin under the bright and pastel layer of illusions, we, postmodern Christians, have gradually adapted to ‘accept’ the world and its chameleon-soaked philosophy without regret and without hesitation.

We live, therefore, in a dangerous period in which the elegance and spiritual beauty of the original believer have been confined to the standards of the material world, where we have artificially ‘painted’ our impotence, only to show the world through a false image of devotion. we have not been, we are not, and some of us may never be.

However, even in these times of being stripped of the essence and over which the thick and cold haze of sin has long been laid, a spiritual light shines brightly. It is the Bible, a chosen collection of teachings that reminds us that the essence of beauty lies neither in customs, nor in customs, nor in entourage, and in more and more, but it lies in the goodness and generosity expressed generously to all people.

This is how God created us, and this is what gives us unparalleled charm: Goodness, sincere and easy-going; even if those around you will respond to such an attitude with arrogant, mocking, and wicked looks.

‘But you,’ the Apostle Paul urged us, after he himself had understood the mystery of absolute happiness, in the knowledge of God. ‘ Col 1:10

In fact, the main purpose of the Bible for all believers today is to show the whole world the beauty and goodness of God expressed in our own behaviors, attitudes, and mentalities.

But let us not do it out of obligation, and not even to keep our label of heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, but because we understand that the incomparable goodness of the Savior of the world must be shared with all our fellow men.

Be blessed!
Pastor Florin Antonie

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